About Us
Sri Ramakrishna Sangha is a registered trust ( Regn No. 54 dt 11.01.2013 with Sub Registrar IX and DARPAN – DL/2019/0236994 ) formed with the sole objective to follow the principles of “Religious Harmony and Universal Brotherhood” of Ramakrishna Mission in the welfare of general public at large, and providing quality education leading to a harmonious life, in particular.

Swami Vivekananda
(1863 - 1902)
Narendranath Dutta, who later became Swami Vivekananda, was a graduate of Calcutta University and the foremost disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa who taught him the essence of spirituality.
Quote of the day: 3rd Sep
“I tell my countrymen that so far they have done well- now is the time to do better.”
-The Complete Works of Sw. Vivekananda; Vol 4 Page 372
Corona Relief Program
Ever since we started Online classes at Vivekdeep four months ago in March ‘20, problems surfaced one after the other. But that is the norm and we are used to it. The students were using their parents’ phones. And that is quite natural. At times, the recharge was not done, and sometimes the parents went out on work, with the phones. Also, there were situations when there were no signals in their phones. But we have had students whose spirits could not be dampened by such hurdles. They studied on their own, without the phones; and when either their parents returned or they got full signals, they reverted to us with their doubts. Ignited souls – that they are
Save lives from COVID

’Vivek’ means inner conscience, the ability to discriminate between good and evil; and ‘deep’ is the light. Our objective is to help illumine one’s guiding light with Vivek.
The vision of Vivekdeep, which is a Sri Ramakrishna Sangha initiative, is to impart value based education to the underprivileged children of our society; to kindle the lights of their conscience for spiritual awakening, mental agility, and physical strength.

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